Help Noise Sensitive Children for the 4th of July!
Give children the tools they need to regulate their body to enjoy fireworks
Many kids are sensitive or scared of fireworks. We want to help them enjoy the fireworks without being scared or overstimulated. These are our approaches as an Occupational Therapist
4 Ideas to Help Your Child:
TALK about the loud noises and what to expect. Let them know they are safe and they can stay close to you.
PLAN ahead and take noise canceling headphones or ear plugs to reduce the auditory stimulation and help them enjoy the beautiful fireworks easier.
PROVIDE heavy play or deep pressure stimulation before you go. This allows their body to get impact to their joints and muscles to produce needed chemicals to maintain a calm state.
Example: jumping, crashing, climbing, bike riding, wrestling, squish them in a pillow sandwich, carry and lift heavy objects.
WEAR tight fitting compression clothing like leggings, muscle shirts, or swim shirts. This too can help calm their nervous system and body increasing their ability to self regulate in stressful situations.
Have fun during the holiday and be safe!
Let us know if these tips helped your child!