Wonderfully Made operates out of the belief that every individual was created for a purpose and made in the image of God. We equip children and families to thrive in their everyday environments. Occupational Therapy Services are provided in Oklahoma City and surrounding areas.

Special Needs Service Provider - Oklahoma Family Favorite

Wonderfully Made Therapy was voted Family Favorite for 2024 in Oklahoma’s Metro Family Magazine!

We are honored to be recognized in the Special Needs Service Providers category! Serving families with Occupational Therapy and holistic approaches.

Cynthia Puckett Headshot

Hello, I am Cindy Puckett, Founder of Wonderfully Made Therapy. It would be an honor for my team and I to work with your family.

You know your child better than anyone. If you have concerns, we listen.

Every child has an important role to play in this world! We provide the training and tools necessary for your child to succeed, no matter where they are starting with their abilities.

Helping your precious little ones thrive is, not only a high priority for us, but a joy as well.

Wonderfully Made Therapy has been serving people in Oklahoma City and surrounding areas since 2016.

  • Maybe you are nervous about the word “therapy”…

    “In a one-year time span of working with Cindy, my son went from having the fine motor skills of a four-year-11 month old to a seven-year-8 month old. She’s kind, connecting and makes therapy fun and not intimidating. We highly recommend her services!”

    — Ashli

  • Maybe you are looking for something more…

    “Cindy Puckett and her team at Wonderfully Made Therapy not only provide top-notch therapy to our girl, but also take the time to make sure we have the tools needed at home to help our daughter thrive! Without wonderfully made therapy I know we wouldn’t be where we are today in our daughters progress.”

    — Kelsey

  • Maybe there is no quick fix…

    “My son has been going to Wonderfully Made Therapy since he was 8 years old. He’s 16 now, we love what they are doing with him. He’s more independent and stronger. Every time I have a question or concern they always help me. Our therapist is a wonderful person and has always been there for us.

    — Jessica

  • Maybe you have more questions than answers…

    “I have had the honor of working with Cindy and her team as a fellow Therapist for many years and can confirm the high level of expertise and heart behind all she does as a professional and person. She cares very deeply for those she works with and puts her all into her work. My respect runs so high, that when my own child needed services, she was the first person I contacted. I’m truly grateful for all the extra time she put into helping my son and guiding me in how to work with him at home. He is dong very well now and I believe a lot of his progress is due to Cindy and her Wonderfully Made services. We are forever thankful!”


  • Maybe you have some specific needs…

    “Cindy and Tara have been working with my daughter for 3/4 years now and we’re extremely pleased! The convenience of getting service while at daycare is so nice, and we appreciate that we’re able to step in at any visit anytime. Pictures and videos are always sent and they make sure to always communicate what we’d like to focus on during therapy. My daughter enjoys working with them both & they always make sure to tailor visits to all of our preferences. We’re so pleased and appreciative of Wonderfully Made Therapy!”

    — Mycala

  • Maybe all of this feels overwhelming…

    “My foster, now adopted, son came to us with several challenges and disabilities. Not only have these wonderful ladies been able to help him, but also help us, as the parents, learn how to help him! I love seeing the growth he's made through therapy, and how far he's come in such a short time. They've been accommodating with all of the documents I need and have communicated their goals clearly! So thankful for this bunch!”

    — Britin

  • Maybe you are wondering how you could see your child progress...

    “Our son has made NOTICEABLE PROGRESS in his year of receiving OT. Exercises that were once incredibly challenging and exhausting are NOW EXECUTED WITH EASE. Some symptoms of his retained primitive reflexes have been ELIMINATED COMPLETELY.

    He recently joined a flag football team; team sports had once been a frustrating experience due to his difficulties with visual tracking and crossing the midline of his body, both of which make throwing and catching a challenge. This time he ENJOYED PARTICIPATING and even made a touchdown in his final game! We are also confident that his experience in OT has REINFORCED the work he is doing with a reading tutor, particularly in the way it has STRENGTHENED VISUAL TRACKING. He is now reading on grade level and writing with beautiful cursive.”

    — Leslie

10 Year old boy cutting construction paper.

Do you have any concerns with tracking skills you observe in your child? If so, reach out to us and we can provide a consultation or evaluation. Catching these delays early will help reduce challenges your child will have in school for reading and visual processing.