Pediatric Therapy Intensive - Oklahoma City

Two-week collaborative Wellness Intensive Therapy Program with Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Chiropractic Services!

July 9th - 18th, 2024

Wonderfully Made Therapy just completed our first Pediatric Therapy Intensive! We partnered with Dr. Allee Tatum, PT & DPT, and Dr. Alasha Young, DC.

Participants received Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Chiropractic services each day. The benefits of working consistently during the two weeks give the brain and body a jumpstart for creating new neuropathways and making rapid progress. 

We have developed an organized therapy program for the child to maximize neuro, sensory, visual, and motor development to address developmental delays and retained primitive reflexes. 

Check out the Wonderfully Made Therapy Instagram to see the progress videos on our posts and in the Story Highlight “Intensive.”

Child laying on mat playing with a toy while the therapist hold a red light box to the back of his head.

The intensive allowed us to use some different strategies to enhance responses as we worked together for the child’s common goals. 

For example in Occupational Therapy, we used Light Therapy to help stimulate the brain for increased oxygen, energy production, and cellular regeneration.  

Each child is unique and wonderfully made!

We assess each child to help determine what treatments are appropriate for them.

Some services include:

  • Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI)

  • Strength, Balance, and Coordination Training

  • Gait training (and other Locomotor Skills Such as Rolling and Crawling)

  • DME/Orthotic Assessment and Training

  • Primitive Reflex Integration

  • Developmental Motor skills

  • Neuromotor Assessment

  • Visual Motor Skills

  • Sensory Integration

  • Oral Motor/Feeding

  • Fine Motor Skills

  • Cognitive Training

  • Light Therapy

  • Vestibular System Assessment/Training

  • Whole Body Vibration

  • Natural Forms of Anxiety Treatment

  • Home Exercise Program + Parent Training/Education

  • Lymphatic and Nutritional Coaching

  • Nervous System Based Pediatric Chiropractic Care

  • Craniosacral Therapy

  • Myofascial Release Therapy

We saw so much progress during the intensive for the child! We are looking to do another Pediatric Therapy Intensive in the fall. Keep checking our Instagram to know when we announce the dates! Spots will be limited.

If you would like to set up a Free Discovery Call to discuss how we can help your child go to our Contact page on our website! We would love to set up a time to talk.


Voted a Family Favorite for 2024